Thursday, October 15, 2009


Tonight we have a place to live. It has a lovely garden and no puppy. I miss georges. I had to put him out of my mind to get us out of living in one bedroom for seven months, but I still feel him with us everyday. hal wrote today. Very sweet of him. I hope this is all worth whatever road we are on.

Sunday, October 11, 2009

Organizing Time

The blue angels over city hall were a hit today. Quiet and gray on a sunday afternoon. The sounds of the city would pause. A day taken off from everyone except myself went well. Tasty lunch with Leah. Vintage books on my own. The train back to the city. A long walk through Hayes valley. A cab ride to the Lombard Gate. COnversation in the Bade Sunday evening. Home for dinner with the family. Bathing and to bed for the littles. and then writing. that part is for me.

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

We are all what we want to be

I am coming out of a hard place. At least I am coming out of it. It occurred to me yesterday on a dark walk that we are all what we want to be. Happy, Sad, Lost. Everything is really just a phase. How you choose to life your live is the mood you will find yourself living. Challenging is not the word to describe moving forward sometimes. Sometimes one is just stuck. but layer by layer piece by piece your puzzle comes together. Another question to be answered....and there was so much time spent answering the last one. Consider the alternative.

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Girls Can't Catch

Keep your head up. Classic.

Is process progress?

As we get older, are bits of life in limbo a thrill? It seems really scary to me now. Has parenting changed me so much, that having everything completely grounded is what I seek? I have always loved a bit of throwing life up in the air and seeing where it lands. Why stop?

Monday, October 5, 2009

The Cabinet

Supreme Court in session today....always reminds me of the World according to Garp. Crisp air, grilled steak, and hand bottled Cab. M.F.K. is invited anytime. Long afternoon with calls regarding health, housing, and human services. Also included pinchy crabs, laughter and quiet moments. They are such delicious plums. tsah asked for a plum today. He was confused and dismayed to know that we will not taste the sweetenss until next summer. He settled for the first clementines of what will be a very long season. Baskets by the fire in a rainstorm. Stocking and Crackers to come. The harvest season is in motion.

Sunday, October 4, 2009

Sunday Sunday

This morning began with three rounds of breakfast. I was a sous chef to our son for the third round. He was preparing breakfast for Jack, Henry and Peter: his dinosaur friends. He completed the meal with tea service while I read the paper. They were chatting of two other imaginary, but not really, mates Thomas and Beckett who are on "cataion: visiting a horse.

Baby number 2 is down for nap #1 with Husband #1 who is still asleep. Everyone loves their Sunday mornings around about you?